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S No.News TitleDownload
1 Regarding quotation upload on website for Shop No. 05 situated in shopping complex BPS GMC
2 Sealed e quotation of items for CSSD Deptt.
3 Sealed quotation for False Ceiling HSR NO. B1973in BPS GMC Khanpur Kalan
4 E quotation for Inj. Hepamerz L- Ornithine L- Asparate 5gm and others
5 E quotation for Syp. Oseltamivir 12mg/ml 75ml
6 E quotation for Cyclopentolate Eye Drop 1% w/w and other
7 List of selected candidate for the post of Junior Resident MBBS interview held on 13.2.2025
8 E-quotation for POP Bandage 4" and others
9 Intimation regarding issue of Admit Card for the recruitment exam of NMHS Survey Co-ordinator & Field Data Collector
10 Sealed quotation for packed Juice 180 ml to 250 ml
11 E quotation for Benzathine Penicillin 12 lac unit, Inj. and others
12 E quotation for Inj. Drotin 2 ml and others.pdf
13 E quotation for Vicryl No. 2347 and others
14 E quotation for Inj. Cefotaxime 1 gm and others
15 E quotation for MDI Formoterol 6 mcg+Budesonide 400 mcg and others
16 E quotation for Inj. Albumin 20% 100mland other.pdf
17 E quotation for Inj. Dexmedetomidine 100 mcg/ml and other
18 E quotation for Inhaler Formoterol 4.8 mcg= Glycopyrrolate 9mcg+ Budesonide 160 mcg
19 E quotation for Inj. Diltizam 5ml
20 E- Quotation for Tab. Hydroxychloroquine 200mg and other
21 E-Quotation for Tab. Clobazam10mg
22 Sealed quotation for requirement of stand for Multipara Monitor
23 Sealed E quotation of items for pediatrics Deptt.
24 E Quotation for Tab Sodium Bicarbonate and other
25 E Quotation for Tab/Cap. Tramadol 100mg and other

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