Department of Commumity Medicine
Following facilities are available in the Department of Commumity Medicine.
The department seeks to be a model for public health systems in India through innovations in community oriented medical education, need based participative community health research and equitable community health service excellence.
To develop socially responsible health professionals and provide equitable health services of the highest order through
Innovations in community oriented medical education to yield compassionate and ethically sound health professionals with an aptitude towards rural service and research oriented mindset.
Advocacy for need based participative community health research with a focus on social disparities in health.
Reaching the unreached with community health services of highest order.
Department of community medicine is a vial organ of BPS Government Medical College for Women Khanpur Kalan, Sonepat district of Haryana. It acts as a bridge between medical institute and the neighboring community. Department shoulders the social responsibility by recognizing and meeting the expectation of the community from the institute.
Experts opinionate that the system of training of medical graduate in India is irrelevant to the need of the masses because all the doctors are trained at tertiary level of health care delivery but most of them have to serve at primary or secondary level of health care delivery. The department of Community Medicine at BPS Government Medical College for Women Khanpur Kalan feels the pulse and tries to give maximum community exposure to its students and trains them amongst the real life situations so that students of the institute may proudly claim that they are ready to shoulder the responsibility at any level of health care delivery, may be primary, secondary or tertiary.
Focus Areas
Teaching and training of MBBS students.
Providing preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative services to the community
Research and knowledge generation
Teaching and training of MBBS students and medical interns:
Teaching is the main focus of activities of the department. For MBBS students the community medicine course starts from 1st term and continues through out 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th and 7th term. University examination is held at the end of 7th term along with Ophthalmology and ENT as MBBS final part-I examination. The department follows MCI guidelines and conducts
Theory classes: During 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th Term
Visits to the places of public health importance: During 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th Term
Clinical (Community) posting: 3rd, 4th, and 6th Term
Practical hands-on training: 4th, 6th, and 7th Term
Internship: After passing MBBS final exam (2 months)
Demonstration rooms
The department has two state of the art centrally air-conditioned demonstrations rooms (Size 74 Sq m and capacity 60 each) equipped with modern audio-visual aids.

Demonstration Room 1 Demonstration Room 2
Student’s lab
The Department is taking practical hands- on training for students for which department has a laboratory (153 Sqm and capacity of 60 students) with facilities for the purpose of demonstration of various laboratory practicals.
Student Lab
Department has a museum (100 Sqm in size)displaying charts concerning communicable diseases, community health, family welfare, bio-statistics, sociology, national health programs, environmental sanitation etc. Models and specimens concerning immunization, family welfare, national health programs etc. are also displayed in the museum.

Department Museum
Departmental Library cum Seminar Room- There is a Departmental library-cum-seminar room (size 40 S qm and capacity 25) with 80 books.
Rural and urban health centers
Apart from theory and practical training the department is taking the students for the community posting. The students are being trained for community diagnosis, family study, socio-clinical and also visit some of the places of the public health importance such as primary health centre, primary sub-health centre, urban health centre, Aganwadi, milk plant, district tuberculosis centre, leprosy hospital, de- addiction centre, sewage treatment plant, water treatment plant, district public health lab, food processing unit, industrial health, oldage home, orphanage etc.
Three government rural health centers, (PHC Khanpur Kalan, CHC Juan, CHC Mundlana) and one Urban health centre (GH Guhana) are attached to the department for community posting and field training.

Students visit Registrar Death and Birth Khanpur Kalan Students visit PHC Khanpur Kalan
Providing preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative services to the community:
Outpatient Department at BPSGMC Hospital
The department of Community Medicine has established an Outpatient service at the 2nd floor of OPD Block of BPSGMC Hospital. It houses
Immunization clinic:The clinic is managed by an Assistant Professor from the department of Community Medicine. Vaccination is done as per National Immunization Schedule.

Immunization cum Anti Rabies Clinic Health Education Unit
Antirabies Clinic:The clinic is managed by an Assistant Professor from the department of Community Medicine. Anti-rabies vaccination is provided free of cost to all patients of animal bite and Intradermal route is used for vaccination.
Health Education Unit:All of the patients and relatives visiting the OPD are given health advice regarding promotion of health and prevention of disease apart from family planning and growth monitoring services.
Rural and urban health centers
The department is providing preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative services to the community through the Rural health training centre, Urban health training centre, and Government PHCs/CHC. Department is taking part in various national health programs and schemes in order to provide technical guidance to the dept. of Health and Family Welfare and also to provide an opportunity to the medical students to an practical exposure to these programs.
Outreach activities
In order to create awareness regarding various health related issues the department organizes service cum awareness activities by observing international and national health days/events related to the health.
Dr. R.C. Siwach, Director BPSGMC Khanpur Kalan, inaugurating IPPI Campaign |
Dr. R.C. Siwach, Director BPSGMC Khanpur Kalan, inaugurating World Breast Feeding Week |
Training Program for MPHW at CHC Mundal |
Workshop on Breast Feeding for MPHW at CHC Juan |
Health Education Program at Govt Girls College, Gohana |
Training Program for Anganwadi Workers, Khanpur Kalan |
Research and knowledge generation:
To be a developed nation we have to change our status from consumers of knowledge to generators of knowledge therefore it expected from every medical institute to carry the research and also give some exposure to the students regarding research methodology.
Research Lab
The department has a research lab (size 72 Sq m) with modern equipments and plans to develop a public health laboratory to advance research in the area of community medicine. Faculty members are encouraged to carry out community based interdepartmental research projects and to seek research grants from national and international agencies.

Research Lab Seminar Room cum Library
The department plans to inculcate research aptitude amongst the students by making them to carry out some basic research projects as a part of their regular curriculum.
Office Accommodation
Professor and HOD : 30.56 Sqm
Associate Professors/ Readers   : 22 Sqm
Assit. Professors/Lectures   : 2 x 13.3 Sqm
Statistician-cum-Lecturer     : 10 Sqm
Epidemiologist-cum-Lecturer: : 13.3 Sqm
Tutors/Demonstrators/Sr. Residents : 31.96 Sqm
Departmental Office-cum-Clerical room : 12.67 Sqm
Non-teaching Staff : 9.91 Sqm
Future plans
Family folder system
In order to ensure a good quality health management and information system the department has plans to introduce and maintain family folder system in the field practice areas under RHTC/UHTC.
Specialist clinics at RHTC/UHTC
Specialist clinics program at RHTC and UHTC on fixed days.
BPS Jan Swasthya Abhiyan
A flag chip service cum research initiative of BPSGMC under which 1.5-2.0 lakh sampled population in Sonipat District will be screened, diagnosed and treated with complete community participation and collaboration with government agencies, NGOs, Panchayati Raj Institutions, Youth Clubs and Women organizations.
Community involvement
Establishing Contact with all NGOs, Panchayati Raj Institutions, Youth Clubs and Women organizations in the neighbouring areas.
Inter-sectoral coordination
Establishing contacts with other health related department/agencies such as education, public health engineering, social welfare etc. to ensure inter sectoral coordination for better health care delivery.
Establishment of contacts with maximum number of Government agencies and NGOs is required to seek the feasibility of collaborative efforts in the field of comprehensive health care delivery.
Outreach camps
Outreach Service cum awareness camps for distant areas.
Assisting the Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Haryana for human resource development in health sector.