Facilities of Forensic Medicine Department
State of the art, air-conditioned, highly equipped Mortuary with four autopsy stations, portable X-ray machine, dead body weighing machine, and two 9 bodied cold chambers & open mortuary.

State of the art museum with medico legal specimens, weapons, charts, prototype firearms, slides, poisons photographs along with their placards & catalogues.

Fully equipped research lab with facilities of Forensic histopathology, serology and anthropology.
Demonstration room & library equipped with Audio-Visual aids, books, national & international journals.
Analytical Toxicology Lab coming up very soon.
Medico-legal autopsies for Institutional deaths being conducted.
Dept. held a CME cum symposium on “Medico-legal Responsibilities of Doctors” & Panel discussion on “Female Foeticide- Society & Doctors” on 29th July-2012.