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  • Agrawal R.L.,Agrawal A. Tuberculosis and Diabetes Mellitus A co epidemic.jaca2007.

  • Agrawal R.L., Diwedi N.C. ,Agrawal A. Isoniazid poisoning- A report of cases . IJT.2008,55:94-96.

  • Chandra A. Agrawal R.L. ,Agrawal A.Clinicoradiological study of Tuberculosis in diabetes mellitus and its treatment outcome under DOTS.NASI2010;VOI33,7,8.

  • Agrawal A., Agrawal V.K. Impact of tobacco smoke on tuberculosis-a case control study2011, NJIRM2011, 2(3)38-42.

  • Anand Agrawal.Empyema Necessitatis complicated to paravertebral abscess-A rare case of primary multidrug resistance tuberculosis. NJIRM2012, 3(2)189-191.

  • Anand Agrawal .Situs Inversus totalis complicated with left middle lobe lung abscess.NJIRM 2013;4(2) 178-180.

  • Agrawal A. , Duhan A., Yadav S. , Goel S.. Unusual presentation of Acute Myeloid Lukemia as left sided pleural effusion.IJMCR (accepted).

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